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Aw, the joys of parenting – late-night lullabies, hours of shushing, heart warming giggles, and the ever-so-charming teething phase that never seems to end. If you're on this rollercoaster of toothless tumult, fear not, we've got your back. Read on for some helpful tips to get you (and your teething tot) through relatively unscathed.

Teething doesn't follow a specific timeline but teeth usually start showing signs of sprouting from 6 months onwards - however can come anytime from 4 months to 12! Each tiny tooth is a milestone, but it can also bring a symphony of tears, a runny bottom and sleepless nights.

You usually have an inkling that teething is occurring as you have a very grumpy little baby who seems to be incessantly drooling while trying to chew everything in sight. As soon as these signs come, get prepped. 

a little baby chewing on the keith haring baby teether by etta loves


Gels & Granules: Grab a stash of teething gels & granules from the local pharmacy or supermarket. These are readily available and handy to always have on you. Some work better than others so it's worth trying different types to see which your baby responds best to.

Teething Toys: Natural rubber teething toys come into their own when baby wants to shove anything and everything in their mouth. Ensuring what is going in babies mouth is safe to chew is very important, you ideally want to find natural rubber teethers, with no holes in so no mould can grow inside the toy.

Chill Out: Lightly wet your teething toys and pop them in the freezer for a couple of hours. The cool temperature will give babies gums some instant relief. This can also work for muslins, wet them, pop them in the freezer and baby will like the cooling relief on their gums.

Massage: Use a clean finger or a soft baby toothbrush to gently massage your babies gums. 

Distraction: Sometimes you just need to survive and get through it. Play with your little one, sing some songs, read a story, or if you need some screen time support - try our sensory animation on YouTube


a baby chewing on the etta loves logo teether on an animal print playmat


Remember, teething is just one of the many curve balls you are thrown as a parent. But it too will pass and your little one will be back to the bundle of joy in no time (just with some little tiny teeth). For now, embrace the toothless triumphs and savour the gummy smiles.

We'd love to hear any of your top teething tips - comment below if you have any gems of wisdom.

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